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Welcome 2024. And Good Riddance 2023

Updated: Jan 19, 2024

Sun setting on 2023 at the Rock House

I'm always excited for the start of a New Year.

It's a fresh start... a time to reflect, readjust, and set intentions and goals going forward.

On January 1st 2023, my goals were competition focused (first open water Triathlon anyone?) and the motto I stuck on my Yearly Bullet Journal was "Enjoy the Journey".

By January 4th, the sticker on my BoJo was falling off, my racing season was up in the air, my yearly motto was changed to "Remember, it could be worse", and my whole family was in crisis mode.

So far, 2024 is starting out better than 2023. But let's be honest... the bar was pretty low on that one.

I still remind myself everyday that things could be worse. This weekend, for example, I was nearly hit in the head by a 50 foot steel flagpole AND a very large tree limb. ON THE SAME DAY. Luckily, no one was hurt (except the Eagle on the top of the flagpole - sadly, he didn't make it).

This year, I was a bit gun-shy when it came to setting my goals and intentions, so it took me some time to come up with a direction for 2024. And, given all the stuff that is still going on (move, Senior year, remodeling, etc.), I didn't want to take TOO MUCH on.

I know, it sounds a bit odd coming from the girl who creates her own chaos. But, I've had the pleasure of being out of the city for the past couple of months, and I must admit, I'm enjoying the peace and quiet.

So, this year, instead of taking the bull by the horns and forcing my will upon it, I've decided to be a little more reflective and intentional.

There will be no grand motto, or lofty goal.

Instead, I'm going to take things in increments by implementing small changes, getting the hang of it, then adding a couple more.

Research shows that by now, 23% of us have already given up on our New Year's Resolutions.

By the end of January, that number will grow to 43%.

(Guys... there is a reason Girl Scout cookies go on sale the middle of February... virtually everyone has given up on eating better and is drooling over that nasty box of Valentine's chocolates. That being said, support your local troops. Find out how to get your cookies here.)

If you've already given up on your New Year's resolution, there is still time to get back on track.

Don't let a couple of days of "I didn't do it's" turn into "I quit".

Take some time to re-evaluate. Maybe your initial goal was just a little lofty and you need to re-adjust. Remember, it isn't how perfect you executed the plan; you accomplished the goal by continuing to move toward it.

While the theory that it takes 21 days to create or break a habit is a myth, I am going to use it as my starting point. So, for the first 21 days, I'm making 3 small changes - 2 things to start doing, and 1 thing to stop.

I'm calling it my 2/1 Rule for 2024.

I'm throwing out the idea of losing the COVID-20 I gained (and the extra twenty that came on after feeling crappy for the first twenty.. vicious cycle). Afterall, it took me 3 years to get here.... I'm not going to get rid of it in 30 days.

Instead, I'm going to implement small changes that will (hopefully) be sustainable. Any way I slice it, I'll be in a better position than I am today.

If you want to follow along, check out the FarmFit Lifestyle section of my blog where I'll share with you how I set those goals, how I track them, and how I modify them after that first 21 days. As the year progresses, we might even get in some farm-modified workouts and fun snacks and meal ideas.


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Farm 2

Matthew 7:24 ESV

Build your house on the rock.  Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.



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