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Never Say Never

I've often said I have a love/hate relationship with running.

Because I hate running.

But I love the way I feel when I'm done.

I did my first 5k with a good friend over 15 years ago. We mostly walked and chatted the whole time.

It wasn't the hell I always imagined it would be.

A couple of months later, I talked my fam into doing the Color Run with me.

Again, we walked for most of it. And it was....


Since then, I have done countless 5ks. Some I ran. Some I walked. Most I did with my husband... it actually became our monthly "Day-Date" - We would do a 5k, and whoever finished first paid for breakfast. (Unless I finished first, then loser paid for breakfast.)

When people discovered I ran 5ks, they always asked when I planned to run a marathon. I did do a couple of "Doubles" 'cause the medals were cool (for you non-runners, that's a 10k with a 5k warmup, and a 5k is 3.12 miles), but I was adamant that I had absolutely NO desire to run ANY farther than that.

Because, I really do HATE running.

If you see me running, you should assume something is chasing me and run too.

There are only two kinds of people... those who hate running, and liars.

It's awful.



I still don't know what possessed me to do my first Half Marathon 2 years ago, but I did it.

No, I didn't run the whole thing.

Yes, I did cry when I saw the finish line.

I was ill-prepared, and I was in so much pain when I crossed the finish line, I actually said if I NEVER run again, it will be too soon.

My husband begged me, "Promise me that you will NEVER do that again."

I decided to switch to Triathlon after that... you still got the "high", but a Sprint only required you to run (or walk) 2 miles.

Unfortunately, what was to be my first "Open Water Tri" in June this year ended up being the week after my MILs funeral. I decided to bale on that one and do a Fall Open Water instead.

Before I knew it, Triathlon season was over, and Marathon season was beginning.

I needed to feel like I accomplished something just for me this year.

So, against my better judgement (and the pleas from my husband), I signed up for the Route 66 Half.

I guess running is kind of like childbirth... if you remembered how bad it hurt EVERYONE would be an only child.

The Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa really is fun. It's a giant party, really. Fairly flat route. And the spectators that set out Jell-O shots, Hot Damn, and donuts, ring bells, and hold up encouraging signs for the runners is something you have to experience at least once in your life.

I prepared a little more this year (thanks to my Triathlon Coach Ed).

Am I sore?


But nothing like after my first Half.

And that Runners High really is a thing (it's 24 hours later, and I'm still riding that high.)

And, as much as I hate running, at mile six I did contemplate running a full one someday.

The hubsters (who runs even less than me, and swore he would NEVER run more than 7 miles... EVER) said he'd be interested in doing the Full Marathon with me as relay (and that was HIS idea, not mine).

It's one of the few "Healthy" addictions out there.

Runnings not for everyone, but you won't know unless you try it. And no one says you have to "Run". Find a friend, make a date out of it. Do it for the bling. Or the free beer.

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Farm 2

Matthew 7:24 ESV

Build your house on the rock.  Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.



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